iTEM4 — 30–31 October 2018

iTEM4 venue (source:


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Wodak room — Schloßplatz 1, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria

PDF agenda

The iTEM4 workshop was supported by funding from the ClimateWorks Foundation, and was comprised of sessions on:

  • New methods and models for projecting transport demand,
  • Autonomous, shared and micro-mobility,
  • Freight & international passenger transport,
  • Trucking & diesel vehicles, and
  • New data sources and community database efforts.

Workshop participants included academic groups at universities and independent research organizations, departments within national governments, international government organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), energy industry firms, and consultancies.

Day 1

Introductory session

  • Nebojsa Nakicenovic & David McCollum. “Welcome to IIASA” (PDF 1 2)
  • iTEM organizing team: Sonia Yeh, Lew Fulton, David McCollum, Page Kyle, & Paul Kishimoto. “iTEM organization activities & updates” (PDF)
  • Keynote: Arnulf Grübler (IIASA). “Historical transitions in transport systems” (PDF)

A: New methods and models for projecting transport demand

Moderator: Tor Kartevold (Equinor)

  • Francois Cuenot (UN ECE). “ForFITS: Modelling approaches and latest applications” (PDF)
  • Jacob Teter (IEA). “Recent and on-going projects in the Energy Technology Policy (ETP) transport group” (PDF)
  • Robert Spicer (BP remote). “Five windows on road transportation: results from BP’s models” (PDF)

B: Autonomous, shared, and micro-mobility

Moderator: Karen Laughlin (Heising-Simons Foundation)

  • Nicholas Chase & John Maples (U.S. EIA remote). “Autonomous vehicles: uncertainties and energy implications” (PDF)
  • Luis Martinez (ITF-OECD). “Introducing results from micro-simulation models on shared mobility for cities (Helsinki, Auckland, Dublin, Lisbon, and Lyon) into the ITF global urban passenger model” (PDF)
  • Regina Clewlow (Populus AI). “Urban micro-mobility and data for planning and policymaking” (PDF)

Day 2

C: Freight & international passenger transport

Moderator: Robert Pietzcker (PIK)

  • Ronald Halim (World Bank). “Understanding the impacts of GHG mitigation policies on international trade and economy of States. What is the state of the art of current modelling approaches?” [1]
  • Alan McKinnon (KLU). “Last-mile logistics innovations: modelling their traffic, energy and environmental impacts” (PDF)
  • Andreas Schäfer (UCL). “Energy, economic, and environmental prospects of all-electric aircraft” [2]

D: New data sources & community database efforts

Moderator: Page Kyle (PNNL)

  • Amar Amarnath (KAPSARC). “KAPSARC Model Data Editor & Datahub demonstration” (PDF)
  • Paul Natsuo Kishimoto (IIASA). “Estimating Chinese households’ transport expenditure using non-transport survey data: Flexible demand systems, income, and the built environment” (PDF)

E: Trucking & diesel vehicles

Moderator: Anand Gopal (Hewlett Foundation)

  • Joshua Miller (ICCT). “Global progress toward soot-free diesel vehicles” (PDF)
  • Till Gnann (Fraunhofer ISI). “Catenary hybrid electric trucks: European market diffusion and impact on the energy system” (PDF)
  • Lew Fulton (UC Davis). “California truck transition scenarioss” (PDF)

F: iTEM4 reflections & next steps forward as a consortium

Moderator: David McCollum (IIASA)

  • Anthony Eggert (ClimateWorks Foundation). “Transport energy modeling as an input to national and global policy”
  • Round-table discussion.